Ursula und Ätherius verabschieden sich von ihren Eltern und besteigen ein Schiff

Tour for people with hearing impairments

Duration:c. 45 min.
Location:Stirling Hall

This tour accompanies you through the exhibition with texts in plain language and numerous illustrations at 19 stops. You can easily change the language and the font size via the menu.

  • Portrait of a middle-aged man with brown hair and beard, looking frontally at the viewer.


    Zur Station
  • Three Saints in conversation, in the clouded sky above The Virgin and Child with Angels.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    St. Thomas Aquinas with SS. Marc and Louis of Toulouse

    Zur Station
  • In the centre, the ambassadors appear before the king, on the left men observe the events in an arcade and on the right Ursula lists her conditions for marriage to the English prince.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    Reception of the English Ambassadors

    Zur Station
  • The fiancés say goodbye to their parents. Together they board a boat to take them to a sailing ship.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    Leave-Taking of the Betrothed Pair

    Zur Station
  • Ursula sleeps in a four-poster bed while an angel enters the room and foretells her imminent martyrdom.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    Dream of St. Ursula

    Zur Station
  • A middle-aged man with brown hair, a red cap and a red coat looks at the viewer.

    Vittore Carpaccio?
    Man with a Red Cap

    Zur Station
  • Portrait of a middle-aged woman with valuable jewelry and expensive clothing.

    Gentile Bellini
    Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus

    Zur Station
  • Portrait of a middle-aged woman with realistic facial features and a book.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    Woman Holding a Book

    Zur Station
  • The knight George rides up to the dragon on a brown horse and pierces the dragon's throat with his lance.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    St. George Killing the Dragon

    Zur Station
  • View into a room: Anna is lying on a bed, exhausted from giving birth. A number of women are engaged in various activities, and an angel hovers on the ceiling.

    Albrecht Dürer
    The Birth of the Virgin

    Zur Station
  • In a room with a beamed ceiling, Mary's mother Anna lies in a spacious alcove bed while a nurse gives the newborn Mary a bath.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    Birth of the Virgin

    Zur Station
  • Mary and the baby Jesus are sitting on a donkey. Joseph is leading the donkey with a rope through a landscape.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    The Flight into Egypt

    Zur Station
  • Jesus is nailed to a cross, the lengthwise beam of which occupies almost the entire height of the painting, dividing it into two halves. In the background is a hilly landscape with a view of the city.

    Giovanni Bellini
    Christ on the Cross

    Zur Station
  • A group of men pick up stones and throw them at the kneeling Stephen. In the background, on the left, a town rises against a mountainous landscape.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    Martyrdom of St. Stephen

    Zur Station
  • The small panel shows the praying Mary, the approximately six-year-old Jesus and the slightly older John in a room with a window-like opening.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    Virgin and Child with the Young St. John the Baptist

    Zur Station
  • Mary is shown from behind, sitting on a balcony balustrade in front of a landscape with water. She is looking at an open book.

    Vittore Carpaccio
    The Virgin Reading

    Zur Station
  • Mary is seated behind a low balustrade, holding the naked infant Jesus, who is standing on the balustrade.

    Giovanni Bellini and Workshop
    Virgin and Child

    Zur Station
  • Mary sits in front of a curtain with her son on her lap. Next to her stand a monk and a little boy.

    Lorenzo Lotto
    Virgin and Child with SS. John the Baptist and Peter Martyr

    Zur Station
  • Mary, the dead Jesus and John, surrounded by five other people, are depicted in shades of grey against a neutral, yellow-brown background.

    Giovanni Bellini
    Lamentation of Christ

    Zur Station