Giovanni Bellini
Lamentation of Christ

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We do not know whether this picture is a preliminary drawing, a template for his colleagues or a finished picture. Bellini probably painted the picture himself.

Pictures with a similar image content can also be found in Bellini's workshop. Turn around to the opposite wall: there you will see a "Lamentation", which was also created by Bellini and his colleagues. However, the picture is painted in colour.

After the crucifixion, Jesus is held by his mother Mary and John. John was Jesus' favorite disciple. He shows us Jesus' pierced hand and looks directly at us. The other people stand mourning Jesus.

The painting came to Stuttgart in 1852 along with many other paintings. Wilhelm I had bought the Barbini-Breganze collection of 250 paintings in Venice. The paintings are still among the most important works of art in the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. We have researched and restored some of the paintings. That was the reason for this exhibition.

We hope you enjoyed the tour of the exhibition. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Thank you and goodbye!